2023 Alabama State Scholastic Chess Championship
ChessKidsNation players had a GREAT tournament at Alabama State Scholastic Chess Championships that were held on March 11th and 12th 2023.
ChessKidsNation players had a GREAT tournament at Alabama State Scholastic Chess Championships that were held on March 11th and 12th 2023.
ChessKidsNation Players had a GREAT tournament in the Alabama State Scholastic Chess INDIVIDUAL Championships on March 27th, 2021. We are SO proud of our players and Coaches. We thank all our players, parents and Coaches for their support.
ChessKidsNation Players had a GREAT tournament in the Alabama State Scholastic Chess TEAM Championships on March 28th, 2021. We are SO proud of our players and Coaches. Our players placed in all the sections we played. Our special Congratulations to Shawn Choi, Riley Hwang, Saikarunya Kesireddy, Krish Nathan, Raghavan Madabushi, Nora Farris, Wesley McCluney, Sarah Peter, Neel Patki, Sam Baskarraj, Mokun Ojesina, Hartwell Forstman, Kapil Nathan for winning all their games they played today. We thank all our players, parents and Coaches for their support.
Chess Helps Enhance Scholastic Skills Chess teaches you to have a goal and overcome the obstacles on your way there. Cognitive Flexibility and Control Ability to change what you are thinking about, how you think about it, and even what you think about it. In other words, the ability to change your mind. It is all about context. Students can handle transactions easily and will continue to build their own abilities to stay on task and organized. Heedful Paying careful attention to every action in your life. Being mindful helps you think first and then act. It leads to great good. It helps to make long-lasting friends and also to enjoy the moment. Endurance Life is an endurance sport – physically, mentally, and financially. Nothing else is as powerful in getting you to where you want to be. If you can’t go long, you won’t go far. You’re going to have to endure hardship to get from where you are right now to where you want to be.
Please find below the list of our students who have scored 10000 Chess workout points or more as of 31st of March. Please join me to congratulate these students. We are so proud of them.
Pawn Level 1 (Beginners and Not Rated) – Up to 1st Grade Pawn Level 2 (Beginners and Not Rated) – 2nd & 3rd Grade Pawn Level 3 (Beginners and Not Rated) – 4th Grade and Above Knight Level (Up to USCF Rating 750) Bishop Level (Up to USCF Rating 1250) Rook Level (Up to USCF Rating 1800)
We are very excited to announce that we will be conducting Online Summer Camp in June and July for both Chess and Coding. Online Camp weeks are as below : JUNE June 08th – June 12th (5 days), Chess Tournament on June 12th June 15th – June 19th (5 days), Chess Tournament on June 19th JULY July 13th – July 17th (5 days), Chess Tournament on July 17th July 20th – July 24th (5 days), Chess Tournament on July 24th Each week, It will be an ALL DAY CAMP from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central time. This year’s Summer Camp will not only include Chess Instruction from our Top Chess Coaches but will also include Online Coding Camp as well. On Friday of each camp week we will have Online Chess Tournaments and Prizes will be awarded. Best Coder each week will also be awarded. Our Online Summer Camps will be conducted through Zoom sessions and seats are VERY limited to give personal attention to both Chess and Coding. Online Camp Registration Link – https://forms.gle/y6zNVFGPfv7ckgp68 Kindly complete Online Registration form and reserve a spot at your earliest.
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