We are very excited to announce that we will be conducting Online Summer Camp in June and July for both Chess and Coding.
Online Camp weeks are as below :
June 08th – June 12th (5 days), Chess Tournament on June 12th
June 15th – June 19th (5 days), Chess Tournament on June 19th
July 13th – July 17th (5 days), Chess Tournament on July 17th
July 20th – July 24th (5 days), Chess Tournament on July 24th
Each week, It will be an ALL DAY CAMP from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central time.
This year’s Summer Camp will not only include Chess Instruction from our Top Chess Coaches but will also include Online Coding Camp as well. On Friday of each camp week we will have Online Chess Tournaments and Prizes will be awarded. Best Coder each week will also be awarded.
Our Online Summer Camps will be conducted through Zoom sessions and seats are VERY limited to give personal attention to both Chess and Coding.
Online Camp Registration Link – https://forms.gle/y6zNVFGPfv7ckgp68
Kindly complete Online Registration form and reserve a spot at your earliest.
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Your appointment booking summary
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